Tag Fengshui

15 Aug

The meaning of jewellery in Feng Shui

The Feng Shui of Jewellery Feng Shui is not just about baguas and front doors. It’s also a great way to personalise your wardrobe. And one of the best personal activators – and protectors – is  jewellery. Whether it’s real gold and silver  jewellery or pretty coloured costume  jewellery, there’s no denying that adding  jewellery […]

4 Aug

Feng Shui the green colour for power

Green Feng Shui’s colour of Health, Wealth and Growth In Feng Shui, every aspiration, be it career, wealth or love, is tied to a direction such as north, west or southwest, and each direction is tied to a colour, a number and an element. The colour green represents new growth, expansion, hope, new beginnings and […]

31 Jul

Feng Shui and the birth elements

Power up your life with your Feng Shui Birth element! Are there certain colours that work better for you than others, and if so, which ones? In order to find out, it is important that you know your personal birth element. My Feng Shui  birth element? That’s right, just as the day of your birth […]

24 Jul

Feng Shui Arrangement kitchen

Feng Shui Arrangement and Layout for the kitchen and stove The kitchen should be adequately lit. It should be airy and spacious. Do not place the stove next to or directly across from the sink or  refrigerator.  This is due to the incompatibility of the elements water and fire. The stove must be at least […]

10 Jul

Feng Shui and the lucky wealth

Tips to give your wealth luck a big boost Wealth in  Feng Shui is not just about money. It’s about having enough money so you can live well, feel good, have good relationships, have new opportunities in your life, and more. The Chinese believe that it is wonderful to be rich and not only to […]

31 May

Fengshui sayings about water

Wise sayings about Water Water is often seen as synonymous with money for the Chinese. And indeed, there are many well-known instances where water, properly used in Feng Shui practice, has elevated the merely rich to the status of truly rich. Some of the most common examples you might hear about include a waterfall, yang […]

23 Mar

Feng Shui and to see the visuality

If you’re on your way up, you have to see it visually Aim high, go high Always add framed diplomas and certificates high up on a wall to mark your achievement. This will help you see yourself and what you have achieved in a way that requires you to look up physically when contemplating your […]

23 Mar

Feng Shui tips get for your success framed

If you have pictures or clippings from newspapers – even if they are your letters to the editor – frame them Frames are a decorative way of saying, “Look, this is important,” meaning you matter. When you frame something you have done, it adds importance to it and calls attention to your name. Be sure […]

9 Mar

Flying Stars March 2023

Loss Star Takes Centre Stage In March, Loss Star #7 lands in the middle, indicating a rise in robberies and theft. There is also the risk of duplication. As people compete for the same things, competition will intensify. Therefore, the probability of betrayal and the breakdown of relationships will be high.Strong remedies are needed in […]

21 Feb

The meaning of Numbers in Feng Shui

FENG SHUI NUMBERS: WHAT THEY MEAN & WHICH ONES ARE LUCKY? Why are numbers important in Feng Shui? In Chinese Feng Shui, each number has a specific and symbolic meaning. Therefore, the Chinese believe that numbers have a specific meaning that can affect people and events. Why are certain numbers in feng shui lucky? Traditionally, […]

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