Flying Stars March 2023

Loss Star Takes Centre Stage

In March, Loss Star #7 lands in the middle, indicating a rise in robberies and theft. There is also the risk of duplication.

As people compete for the same things, competition will intensify. Therefore, the probability of betrayal and the breakdown of relationships will be high.Strong remedies are needed in the east and north. If your main door faces one of these directions, or if your bedroom is in this sector, you must carry protective amulets with you at all times. If possible, use an alternative entrance to your home this month.

The most promising sectors are West and Southwest. Plan your activities around these parts of the house. Create the flow of good chi with light and soft music.

The South also has fabulous finishing luck, but since it’s home to Disease Star #2, you’ll need to raise the health vibrations in this sector when activating for luck. Pregnant, elderly or sick people should temporarily avoid the bedrooms in the south sector.

3 6 SOUTHEAST – Activate Heaven Luck for a Smoother Month

The arrival of the #6 Heaven Star brings improvements in the luck of those residing in this sector. There are new opportunities to tap and possibilities of a windfall. While the dominant #7 Star warns of losses and betrayals, you have strong celestial backing at your disposal to help you make the right moves.

8 2  SOUTH – Completion Luck But Watch For Illness Chi
In the South, the Illness Star #2 joins the annual Prosperity Star #8 to form the super auspicious Sum-of-Ten combination. This provides occupants of this sector with enhanced completion and wealth luck. A favourable time to start new projects and accumulate new assets.

1 4  SOUTHWEST – Scholastic Luck And Romance Vibes
This sector’s combination of stars brings excellent creativity and scholastic luck to its residents. If your bedroom or study is located here, good ideas and learning new things will come easily. A productive time for students preparing for upcoming exams.

2 5 EAST – Remedy Misfortune Energies
The Five Yellow pairing up with the annual Illness Star #2 makes this an extremely afflicted sector this month. This combination is indicative of violence and misfortune, which may be aggravated by stress and ill health. Because the #5 brings obstacles with far-reaching consequences, its presence must never be taken lightly.

4 7  CENTER – Money Loss And Betrayals
The #7 Star flies into the centre sector, threatening everyone in every home and office space with robberies, money loss and betrayals. Honesty can be hard to come by, so don’t let your guard down.

6 9  WEST – Fame, Recognition And Long Term Prosperity
Occupants of this sector enjoy exceptionally good fortune with the Star of Future Prosperity #9 taking its turn. Spend more time in this part of the home. Fill it with music or decorate it with twinkling LED lights.

7 1  NORTHEAST – Victory Luck Elevates Chances Of Success
Victory luck is enhanced for residents of NE-facing homes and NE rooms this month. While the annual #7 continues to bring stiff competition, you have every chance of gaining a good lead. Don’t be intimidated by the underhanded tactics of others. As long as you put in the hard work, good results will follow. Give everything your best shot!

9 3  NORTH – Afflicted With Magnified Conflict Chi
The Quarrelsome Star #3 brings inauspicious energies that cause misunderstandings, and arguments that can get out of control. Magnified by the resident #9, lawsuits and violence can quickly ensue. Best to keep this area of the home and office quiet for now. Remove all plants, chimes and bells.

5 8. NORTHWEST – Prosperity Star Balances Out Misfortune Chi
The Prosperity Star #8 moves to the NW, bringing good fortune and money luck to those who reside in this sector. Cash flow improves, and you find it easy to generate joy in your life. If you are the patriarch of the home, this good fortune extends to all those under your care as well.

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