Category Success

26 Sep

The Feng Shui Trinity of Happiness

The Feng Shui Trinity of Happiness – 13 ways to improve happiness in your life   There are many people who consider themselves lucky and just as many who don’t, but no matter which side of the good-bad-luck fence you fall on, Feng Shui  can help you change two-thirds of your luck. Luck seems to […]

16 Sep

How to use a Moonstone in Feng Shui

What is the meaning of a Moonstone in Feng Shui and how to use it? There are ways to use moonstone to enhance your home’s Feng Shui. A spherical moonstone is considered the most advantageous of all shapes as it emits its glow in all directions. You can also carry the stone around in your […]

9 Sep

Feng Shui and the entrance door

Take care of the Feng Shui of your Entrance Door Main doors should open inward into a wider space rather than opening into a cramped narrow space.  You should also have an open space (bright hall) outside the main door. Cures: If the door opens outward, change the position of the hinges so that it […]

17 Aug

The clutter effects and Feng Shui

How clutter affects you and what to do about it We may earn money or products from the companies or products mentioned in this post. Creating a healthy, energetic home or office depends on care. Keeping your home or office clutter-free and clutter-free is a lot easier than keeping track of papers, throwing out old […]

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