The Feng Shui  lucky Colours in 2024




Add BLACK and BLUE colours to your WARDROBE in 2024 to increase your happiness and also attract wealth


The colours blue and black represent flowing water and therefore always bring wealth and monetary luck.
In 2024, the water element in the Paht Chee chart also represents wealth, and since it is absent in this year’s horoscope, wearing shades of blue or black will help strengthen luck in prosperity, increase profits and achieve better balance in to bring your life.
If you are in sales, marketing, event management, or another industry where you pay a commission on sales, adding a touch of blue or black to your outfit will help you achieve your goals.

The colour RED brings SUPPORT and AUTHORITY


Shades of red, including maroon, purple and orange, are colours of the fire element, which influences resource luck, support and authority in 2024.
Fire is also the element strongly associated with the period of 9, so wearing these colours brings fame, power and influence and transformation too.
Take your career or business to the next level by adorning yourself with happy accessories.



White, gold and silver represent the metal element, which represents wisdom and intelligence in 2024.
When you need a creativity boost or get stuck solving a problem, wear these colours to quiet your mind from unnecessary noise, allow your thoughts to flow more smoothly, and make better decisions.
These are great colours when you need to think quickly, such as during job interviews or important meetings and presentations.



All shades of green represent the energy of wood and wearing this color in 2024 increases recognition luck.
This brings out your talents and draws attention to your abilities. Since there is no Lap Chun in 2024, wearing green also promotes good luck in growth.
Add green accents to your wardrobe by choosing JADE, EMERALD or other green stones.





YELLOW colours encourage GOOD ALLIES 


Wearing yellow in 2024, the color representing Earth, attracts good allies and improves network luck.

This is how you win people over and get support whenever you need it. 

If you are in an industry that requires networking or frequent interaction with others, wearing yellow will be a relief for you, but don’t overdo it. In the Paht Chee chart of the year there is an excess of earth, and wearing too much of this colour will spread envy and malicious rumours. 

Wear it sparingly as jewellery or pair it with some water element colours like blue and black to soften its impact.