How does graphology relate to Feng Shui? In Feng Shui, mind and thought are related to the hand, so a person’s writing style offers insight into that person’s personality and can affect their life.
Your handwriting also reveals instant clues about your energy levels, attitudes, trustworthiness, etc. But do you know that you can also develop auspicious handwriting that will bring you success and happiness in whatever you write? This encompasses all aspects of study, work and life, so developing happy handwriting is something everyone can benefit from.
Do this by holding your pen with conscious feeling and as you write, visualize the essence of your inner spirit flowing from your hands into your fingers and then into your pen/pencil/brush. As you practice this consciously, you will find that your written word becomes clearer and visually sharper. As you write, be aware of the pressure you are exerting. The secret to generating chi in the fingers is to focus on them. Practice applying just enough pressure on your pen—neither too hard nor too light. Keep your pressure balanced and let your pen flow smoothly. This ensures that your venture is not complicated by obstacles and obstacles.
In ancient times, ministers at the emperor’s court used exquisite brushes whenever they sat down to compose poetry or write important letters. The art of writing was serious business and good writing implements were prized possessions. At that time they were brushes made of the finest sable hair tied together with the finest silk. Today we have a range of branded gold and platinum pens, crafted to perfection by master craftsmen.
You don’t have to buy any of these limited-edition Mont Blanc etc., although it would be very promising if you could afford it. But invest in the best pen you can afford and infuse it with your spirit and essence. The more you use your special pen to write all your important letters and sign all your documents, the more powerful your writing will become.
A clear handwriting indicates that one lives in the present. The worst is handwriting that is slanted backwards, as this suggests a person who is always living in the past and is always looking backwards instead of forwards. It also indicates someone with low self-confidence. This creates the chi of failure rather than success. So try to keep your writing upright. Writing diagonally forward means you often outperform yourself. It does NOT mean looking ahead. Leaning forward can indicate that you are often unprepared for the task at hand. Clear handwriting indicates self-confidence and someone who is fair, upstanding and in control of situations.
When your words are evenly spaced, you ensure that what you do always goes according to plan. Your life will benefit from good organisation and well-managed employees. At work, you get along well with people and others find you reliable and responsible. Keeping your handwriting evenly spaced and with straight edges reflects a well-ordered mind. It will then be easier for you to make decisions efficiently and decisively.
Writing with straight and consistent baselines tends to provide a valuable ability to plan ahead and be self-directed. Such people eventually become very self-motivated, a key factor in success.
Handwriting experts will tell you that the lack of up-scores at the beginning of words is a sign that you’re being direct, open, and efficient. You say what you feel, outright. For some, that’s a plus. To be successful, however, it takes tact and diplomacy and maybe even a little dance before the main course. Starting your words with an up-slash also means that everything you do has a good, positive beginning. So it’s a good idea to develop some upward strokes in your handwriting.
To be successful you must have a vision for success. If you want the inner visionary to manifest in you, create upper loops in your handwriting. This stimulates the divine dreamer in you and also boosts your creativity in many ways. However, you should not overdo it. Select specific key alphabets to write with an upper loop. Letters that allow this are fs, ts, hs, etc. If the top loops are completely missing, it means you lack vision. However, this may not be so bad as dreamers sometimes tend to be overly idealistic.
Attention to detail is a major asset and can usually mean the difference between success and failure. It also helps you improve memory skills. If the handwriting is left with an un-dotted i and an uncrossed t, it indicates that the job is still halfway done. This means that projects are started but rarely come to successful results. So how can it lead to success if you write carelessly? Success comes to those who are both careful and thorough. So learn to be careful when crossing your T-points and placing your I-points.
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