If you experience little or no growth in your life, it could be because the growth area of your home is blocked, hindering your progress. My writing is specifically about the Wood Energy of the East and Southeast.
When you have a health problem that goes unresolved, it can drain your energy and zeal, leaving you feeling drained and lifeless. This is also true if you have emotional baggage from your family, like old scars and secrets you’ve carried around for too long, PTSD, or emotional apathy.
You may also feel that life is only moving sideways for you and you are not growing, evolving and moving forward. You may also have missed the pursuit of a life purpose or ambition.
This corner relates to our overall health, relationships with our family, whether positive or negative, or our ability to see our lives grow and evolve. It is also the corner most related to anger and liver diseases such as alcoholism or past trauma.
If you feel stuck in life, with little growth or improvement to your endeavours, the East Corner should be considered carefully.
Another area in which Eastern blockades show up is problems with the feet, pain in the feet or problems with walking. When you’re feeling blocked, stuck, and stagnant, you may be physically restricted from walking and literally moving forward in life.
This corner relates to our overall health, relationships with our family, whether positive or negative, or our ability to see our lives grow and evolve. It is also the corner most related to anger and liver diseases such as alcoholism or past trauma.
If you feel stuck in life, with little growth or improvement to your endeavours, the East Corner should be considered carefully.
Another area in which Eastern blockades show up is problems with the feet, pain in the feet or problems with walking. When you’re feeling blocked, stuck, and stagnant, you may be physically restricted from walking and literally moving forward in life.
The elements Fire and Metal are the two culprits, eroding health, leaving entrenched family problems, and fostering a life of little or no growth. This also applies if the east corner is missing or your bed is not in the command position.
There may also be a problem with physical and financial energy withdrawal, e.g. B. when a front door opens outwards instead of inwards, or when your bed is in line with a door or bathroom.
The element of death can also be present, from dried plants to dead bushes or trees in your yard, or a non-working or overly large wall clock, ashes of pets or loved ones, or memorabilia from funerals. All of these items should be removed from the home. Excessive pictures of deceased relatives should also be reduced.
Like the east, there may be a fireplace, a stove, or anything related to fire or metal that can stop your wealth and the wealth of living. You may also have dead plants or other broken or non-working items. All sources and items related to death, broken items (windows, cracked car windshield, chipped dishes, dented pans), and dead or dying plants should be removed.
Sometimes the best activation is removing items that are blocking your health and growth. Remove all painful items from your home, especially if you have health issues that you can’t seem to get past, or family items or other memorabilia that represent loss, trauma, lies, hurt, and disappointment.
Add health-related colours such as green, blue, and brown, and items to increase your growth potential and health effects, such as: Such as a healthy plant, new landscaping, beautiful flowers, pictures of trees and nature, pictures of healthy people, exercise equipment, and more rectangular shapes.
What are you working towards? Writing a novel, better health, freedom from old tapes and family wiring? Add meaningful images and words to these areas and place them in the east corner to support your growth here.
Many people who earn a good income often lack wealth, savings and real financial security. This is one of the biggest pain points in life, creating a background of worry that can hamper your growth.
When your financial distress is that you have little or no financial reserves, there is always a nagging sense of insecurity or a sense that you are not a proper adult even at an advanced age that you have no resources to fall back on.
Having a salary and an income is nice and makes life possible, but assets that are set aside for emergencies, retirement, or just things you want and not the kind of money that just “pays the bills.” ‘ is the sweetest fruit.
More importantly, owning assets, investments, and savings—and putting savings and investments into regular deposits—gives you peace of mind and lets you experience life more fully and plentifully, and makes you feel richer.
But your net worth sometimes reflects your self-esteem, and when you don’t feel worthy or build your self-esteem by saving or investing for an important trip, life can feel like it’s something you have to endure without some pleasure … like sitting at the table and just eating one crumb at a time. Life may feel small, insignificant, meaningful, and like your accomplishments are just a collection of small things.
This is the area of the Southeast Sector and the corner related to your wealth beyond your salary.
This is the realm of wealth that you tend, nurture and add to like a money garden that you cultivate.
That is the goal of wealth. It’s not just about getting a salary, it’s about money that you devote yourself and actively nurture. are you increasing your money Do you feel like disaster is just a layoff or late check away? Have you made financial progress in your life?
Financial deprivation can create problems with anger and insecurity, leading to anxiety and a feeling that you are not in control of your life. You may also feel that the good things in life happen to other people and not to you.
When you’re not saving for the things you want in life, it can feel like life has let you down.
In terms of health, you may have problems with your legs and hips, or you do not want to face insecurities. The liver can also be affected as resentment and anger towards life can build up, mood swings and outbursts can occur unexpectedly.
To make more money, receive more financial blessings, and see your wealth grow, you must put into it something that creates the energy that makes you feel rich in life.
That starts with making investments and putting away money that just goes in and you don’t touch.
It is persistence and the act of investing for yourself that redirects your chi toward greater abundance, rewires your mind and self-image, and helps transform chi from lack and uncertainty into growth and reward.
And that can show up anywhere in your life, from a nicer place to live, to a healthy and loving relationship, to a sense of accomplishment.
Like the east, there may be a fireplace, a stove, or anything related to fire or metal that can stop your wealth and the wealth of living. You may also have dead plants or other broken or non-working items. All sources and items related to death, broken items (windows, cracked car windshield, chipped dishes, dented pans), and dead or dying plants should be removed.
Look to water-related items to help spur your energy and to grow your wealth. Adding water in the southeast corner of your home, garden, or living room in the form of a fountain, image, or figure helps promote the small wood growth that relates to abundance and prosperity. Ships, fish, and water scenes are also auspicious. Furnishings made of wicker, small rectangular shapes, green and light green colours will help stimulate growth.
Look at ways you can accumulate money, such as starting a small investment or savings account where money goes in and never comes out, and whose only job is to grow.
Find a financial planner, a money guru, or subscribe to newsletters and online services and people who talk about investments, such Suze Orman or Dave Ramsey, or the online stock and investment service Motley Fool.
Buy some small plants to tend and grow, or plant a garden with flowers, vegetables, or herbs. Tending plants helps promote growth chi.
Have a financial goal.
Maybe it’s to save $50 a month….or $500 a month. Just have a set amount and stick to it and make it an automatic withdrawal.
In your home, add a small fleshy-leaved plant like the jade plant, or other succulents, to the southeast corner. These plants represent savings and accumulated money.
Look at ways to strengthen your hips, such as with lunges, rollerblading, or yoga.
© Copyright 2025 Fengshui with Christine