Archive for February 2023

21 Feb

The meaning of Numbers in Feng Shui

FENG SHUI NUMBERS: WHAT THEY MEAN & WHICH ONES ARE LUCKY? Why are numbers important in Feng Shui? In Chinese Feng Shui, each number has a specific and symbolic meaning. Therefore, the Chinese believe that numbers have a specific meaning that can affect people and events. Why are certain numbers in feng shui lucky? Traditionally, […]

15 Feb

Fengshui and the lack of growth

LIFE FEEL LIKE LIVING ON A LONG LINE OF CRUMBS Many people who earn a good income often lack wealth, savings and real financial security. This is one of the biggest pain points in life, creating a background of worry that can hamper your growth. When your financial distress is that you have little or […]

14 Feb

Feng Shui and the Wood Energy

PERSONAL TRANSFORMATION FOR LOW GROWTH AND MISSING PROSPERITY   If you experience little or no growth in your life, it could be because the growth area of your home is blocked, hindering your progress. My writing is specifically about the Wood Energy of the East and Southeast. LACK OF GROWTH, HEALTH, ANGRY, ALCOHOLISM, FAMILY ISSUES […]

9 Feb

Flying Star February 2023

Prosperity Star flies to the center of the chart. Four Ho Tu combinations. Happy! Ho Tu combinations in the West, Northeast, South and North. ATTENTION NW & SW – Patriarchal and Matriarchal Sectors. Need help! SE brings graduation luck.     The first month of the new rabbit year 2023 brings another series of lucky sectors […]

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