On February 4, 2023, the #4 Star will fly to the center of Lo Shu Square to become the “dominant” star for the next 12 months. This is an important point because the dominant star affects everyone’s happiness, affecting not only every area of every home, office and retail space, but every part of the world. The impact of the #4 in the coming year will also be widely felt, and capturing their hopeful energies will increase one’s chances of personal happiness immensely.
The number 4 is the star that rules relationships, love and romance. It brings networking bliss that fosters good friendships and productive collaboration at work and in business. It is also the star of academic achievement and literary excellence, fostering creative thinking and helping to manifest academic success for certain who successfully harness its mind-expanding vibrations
However, when we activate a star for luck, we must be careful not to overdo it, otherwise we could trigger any negative emanations that may be present.
In the case of #4, these come in the form of relationship issues such as infidelity, betrayal, and heartbreak. The Paht Chee chart of 2023 agrees, with the appearance of the Mountain Marriage Star adding to the challenges ahead. It is therefore extremely important for married and dating couples to be proactive when it comes to protecting your union from all forms of outside temptation.
© Copyright 2025 Fengshui with Christine
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