Extract from the rabbit Feng Shui prognosis for the year 2023
After recent years of upheaval and uncertainty, the energy entering 2023 will be replaced with a new light, hopeful, and sweeter energy.
The Year of the Tiger was the first year to bring spring energy as it is the first of the 3 spring zodiac animals Tiger, Rabbit and Dragon. The rabbit represents the fullness of spring when nature blooms and green growth appears.
The rabbit energy will offer us a respite from the cold, harsh energies of the past few years that have been aligned with the metal element and the winter animals of the pig, rat, and ox.
Also, the reigning Star of the Year accompanying Rabbit is the 4 Star of Love. And what animal goes so well with this kind of blossom-soft energy as a fluffy bunny?
The 4 is the star for education and writing luck as well as for travel and romance.
The coming year will have its bumps as usual, but it will also have more ease and bring us joy as the 4-star slides in after we’ve turned the calendar page to 2023 and the tiger has retired to the forest.
I know that you will love the beautiful and calming energy that the rabbit brings and because of the 4 stars that will be his companion in the coming year.
Look for ways to bring joy, beauty and pleasant moments into your year. It is the best way to use this sweet and tender energy that the rabbit and the 4 stars offer us.
Year of the Rabbit Official Date
The Lunar New Year will be Sunday, January 22, 2023. Be sure to make your home ready for the coming New Year to welcome a brand-new set of energies to your home and life.
Period 8 is a 20-year cycle that began in February 2004 and ends on February 3, 2024. This was a “young man” period when internet giants like Mark Zuckerburg appeared like flowers in a spring rain.
In period 9 the new energy will be female. The 9 stars rule fire and the middle daughter so we will see how women advance in position and power. This will happen next February 4th, 2024. It’s going to be an exciting time!
Now let’s talk about the energies of the year….
Read each of the energies to determine how they might affect you and your family. Pay close attention to the energies that are at your front door, bedroom or home office.
It is also advisable to look at who is occupying the sectors where ailments appear. If you have old, sick, very young, or pregnant family members in these corners, it might be wise to move them to another bedroom if possible.
As always, it is best to be prepared for difficulties. When that is done, you can look forward to a year of opportunity and adventure, love and contentment, pleasure and joy.
This star is the unluckiest of all stars. The 5 yellow star brings bad luck, misunderstandings, bad luck, accidents and financial problems. This is especially true if you sleep in this sector, work or your front door is in the affected sector. Be especially careful if any of these apply to you.
This is the sector of the breadwinner or family man and he will be hit the hardest. It also affects the zodiac signs Dog and Pig. It will be prudent to be cautious with health, spending and investing this year. Older men should pay special attention to their health, especially with blood pressure, stroke and heart problems. It would be advisable to remedy this.
In 2023, the 2 star flies east, into the family, growth and eldest son area. However, all ailments can affect anyone in the family, including your pets. This year, the 2nd Black Illness star is in a fighting position to the east.
This is the meeting of two giants: the big earth of the 2-star and the big forest of the 3-star. You could say it’s a battle of the titans. When the 2 and 3 meet, they form what is called the “bullfighting” energy. This can mean families face legal complications or fights.
It can also cause stomach problems in the home and pose health challenges for the eldest son. It can also mean that as soon as someone in a family gets sick, everyone in the family gets sick. Pay close attention to prevent the spread of diseases.
This sector affects the feet and lower legs. Exercise caution when engaging in activities as this may result in a twisted ankle, broken foot or foot injuries. Earth-related diseases will become more common and could show up as stomach problems, gallbladder problems, ulcers and colitis.
If you have underlying health concerns, these could be blooming under the influence of the 2 Star this year. Like the 1-Star, the 2-Star is ruled by Jupiter, only it amplifies the difficulties of the 2-Star rather than creating advantages like the 1-Star does.
The 3 argument star moves to the eldest daughter and investments and assets area. This star is also known to stir up legal troubles, gossip, arguments and bickering. It’s especially tough on couples, and creates that weary emotional exhaustion that can sometimes end relationships — or bring in a third party.
The bigger concern?
Emotional and nervous disorders that are so distressing that they can result in divorce, severe depression, or a nervous breakdown. Watch out for legal issues, arguments over money, trouble from the eldest daughter, or emotional problems if this is your front door, bedroom, or home office.
The 7 Red Violence Star
In 2023, the red 7-star moves from the west to the northeast corner. Since this is the sector that rules wisdom, there can be difficulties in thinking clearly, injuries to the hand and bullying at school.
The 7 Star affects the Ox and Tiger zodiac signs the most this year, so these zodiac signs need to be extra careful this year with what they say, their relationships, proneness to infection, accidents and theft.
This star is ruled by the planet Venus. Since the 7 star is an affected star, it represents the negative traits of Venus. Since Venus rules attractiveness and relationships, the negatives expressed would be problematic relationships, arguments and narcissism.
Wherever the 7 stars fall, the tendency for clipping and loss follows. This can be breaking off relationships, quitting jobs, or losing family members.
More than relationship problems and difficulties, this star can cause a lot of problems from robbery, accidents, quarrels, slander, gossip, injuries and lung diseases.
The biggest concern is the possible harm to children in educational settings. Pay close attention to your child’s school environment and how to protect it. Another concern is having a pregnant woman in this corner, as the 7-star rating could bring worries with bleeding or pregnancy loss.
The 3 Killings direction
This suffering moves in a new direction every year, and this year it flies west. The 3 kills can affect the ability to focus, communicate, and create harsh words between people. Lawsuits, Slander, and Slander are also a potential under the influence of 3 Killings and cause three types of losses, such as: B. loss of reputation, loss of a loved one or loss of money.
The 3 Killings occupy 90 degrees on the compass. If you sit within that 90 degrees with your back toward the 3 kills, you are exposing yourself to their detrimental influence. Make sure you avoid sitting with your back to the 3 Killings. This year that means you should be FACING WEST.
© Copyright 2025 Fengshui with Christine
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