Understanding Feng Shui means understanding that energy moves and changes within an environment, and that the environment affects an individual’s success, career, health, and relationships. Since the world is not stagnant and the entire universe expands and contracts much like a living being, the energy within the universe – or space – is dynamic. It lives, changes and evolves just like us.
The changing annual energies help explain why one year can be wonderful and the next year or even month can change dramatically.
This means that in most years there are typically five positive sectors and four negative sectors where the annual afflictions, such as the 5 yellow, 3 kill and black 2 ailment stars, fall. Knowing what ailments have the greatest chance of causing harm to you and your family, and knowing where they are and how to deal with them is most important so that you are ready for each year’s energetic shifts.
Every year at the beginning of the Chinese lunar calendar, the energies shift. It is time to make changes and prepare for these energy shifts. Although the annual Chinese New Year changes every year, the Feng Shui date always falls on February 4th of each year. This is the day you want to make sure you’ve done your annual Feng Shui preparations.
Although this is the “official” Feng Shui date, I have sometimes noticed that the changing influences occur as early as late November and early December.
The five yellows are an affliction of the earth elements occupying 45 degrees of the compass. Therefore, its influence covers a wide area in your home or office and is the most worrying of all ailments.
The Five Yellow is at its worst when it’s in key areas, particularly the front door, an office (if you have a home office in an affected area), and your bedroom. It’s even worse if your front door, office, or bedroom is in a near-Earth location, such as a B. in the north-east, south-west or in the middle. Another tricky placement is when it falls into an area that has a flame, such as B. a fireplace or a gas stove. You must then take extra precautions.
The Five Yellows can bring relationship difficulties, financial and health problems such as bankruptcy, broken bones, accidents or cancer. Serious problems arise if this affliction is not addressed.
Simply working in a sector where the Five Yellows is, opening and closing your front door, being active in a room where the Five Yellows is is enough to activate it. I had the 5 Yellow on my doorstep and nothing major happened to my family but we worked hard to keep that area quiet and clean and to use a different door as much as possible.
The remedy for the five yellows is based on the five element teachings. To deplete earth energy, add metal, making an all-metal six-wand wind chime a perfect way to deplete the five yellows.
Another remedy is to put some soil from the sector where the five yellow ones are in a metal jar or 5 element pagoda with a tight fitting lid. Metal accents and colours of any kind are also beneficial.
If the Five Yellow is on your front door and your current year front door would open in the middle sector of your home, it would be wise to add a metal six-wand wind chime on either side of the door or place six Chinese coins above the door . Another means is the pendulum or striking clock, the fan or the ceiling fan. Having a toilet here – or in any other affected area – will help quell the negative influences of the 5 yellows and is especially helpful in managing that energy.
A wonderful remedy against the 5 yellow? A vase of three lucky bamboos in rocks and water is a great way to add the green vitality of health that the bamboo bestows while helping to offset the detrimental health effects of the 5 yellows. Just avoid having this in your bedroom.
If there is a large closet, closet, or pantry, this also helps to “seal” the ailment. If your kitchen sink is in the middle sector, the 5 yellow will drain – this isn’t usually a good placement for the kitchen sink – but when the 5 yellow is visiting, it is.
Avoid turning on lights in this sector as lights represent fire and this activates the Five Yellows. It is also important to keep the area quiet and NOT to dig here as this will stimulate the five yellow ones. If possible, avoid the space in this sector. If not, have plenty of metal ready. If you have a closet here, keep it closed. If you have the opportunity to exit a room that is in the five yellow sector, do so. If not, make sure you use some kind of remedy.
If the five yellows are in the bedroom, a brass Wu Luo is a wonderful remedy, but I would take it a step further and use white and/or green leaves and remove any red colour. And definitely avoid lighting candles as this will fully activate the 5 yellows.
It’s also not a good idea to do renovation work wherever the 5 yellows fly, such as: B. digging, tearing down walls or major repairs. If this area is part of an overall garden or home renovation, you can work in the area, but try not to start or finish your renovations in an affected area.
Like the yellow five, the black two is an earth disease. You could almost think of it as a “Junior” Five Yellow. Many of the problems are the same, illness and financial difficulties, but to a much lesser extent. In general, Black Two is more about nagging issues like allergies or a student loan that you can’t seem to repay. But I wouldn’t take it lightly.
When it comes to fixing the Black Two, apply the same rules as the Five Yellow and you’ll be fine. One remedy I particularly like is adding a pretty green plant, especially one with white flowers, like a white orchid, or a bowl of green apples wherever the 2 star flies. These are symbols of health and vitality and add a nice boost to this corner. Basically, it’s important not to dig here, have red paint, flames, or candles, and try to keep the area quiet and undisturbed.
The 2 Black is the strongest and most dangerous when flying south, a sector of fire. It is also strong when flying to the Southwest or Northeast sectors of the Earth.
he 7 star is known for creating injuries, robberies, theft and other malicious tendencies. Because it is located in the wealth palace, there could be a possibility for violence that harms the wealth of the family – such as a credit card theft, robbery, or other treachery. Another worry about the Red 7 is the possibility for injury for guns, knives or even car accidents. If the Red 7 is prominent in your home (bedroom or front door is located here), take extra care to remedy this sector to reduce the energy of this affliction by adding black and blue colors here.
The Red 7 is also related to the mouth because 7 is the number of the mouth. You should also be wary of smooth talkers and anyone who might try to “sell” you, manipulate you or in some way take advantage of you, or let your temper get the better of you. This can include someone trying to cheat you, get you to cheat or even pedophiles – a worry whenever the 7 star shows up where children are concerned. The 7 star can cause you to say things you regret so be cautious that your tongue doesn’t get the better of you.
Take extra care if your home faces this direction or if your bedroom is located here. Remedies for the Red 7 include adding figurines such as the popular feng shui cure, the blue rhino, an elephant, water elements, blue colors and bright lights. Even the evil eye is good for warding off those with negative intentions. Do avoid adding any kind of water or fountains in your bedroom, but use blue colors instead.
The number 3 is a number that can become quite confusing in feng shui. Normally, the 3 is associated with the potential for growth. That’s why you often see Chinese coins tied into sets of three. These three represent the yang energy of growth, and for that reason, the number three is looked upon as positive. However, you shouldn’t confuse the luck of the 3 with the Jade 3 Star or the 3 Killings. See what a tangle this amounts to?
What you need to know about for the purposes of annual feng shui are the qualities of the Jade 3 Star and the 3 Killings, so let’s start with the 3 Jade. What you need to know now about the 3 Jade Star is what it can do and how you can handle it, especially if it’s at your front door, center sector, in your bedroom or home office.
In short, the 3 Star is a star that likes to cause trouble.
Whether it’s arguments, anger, gossip, backbiting or legal problems, the 3 Jade Star is the star that likes things stirred up, so keep this area quiet.
Tempers flaring, arguments flying off the handle or teenagers always squaring off for a fight? You can blame the 3 Jade Star for creating this mess.
Worse still, the 3 Jade also likes to create lawsuits and legal problems. Whether it’s a routine traffic ticket or something petty like a neighbor that’s filed a complaint with the neighborhood association because your dog barked one afternoon, this is the kind of energy when the three jade is at its best.
One of the nice things about the 3 Jade Star is that it is easy to diffuse. All it takes is some red or white colors, bright lights, and fire elements, such as a candle.
So, if the 3 Jade star shows up in your bedroom, add a red blanket there or if it’s at your front door, use a red rug or burn some pretty red candles here and keep the porch or foyer light on. Do watch that you keep the area quiet wherever the 3 Jade falls because it is easily disturbed by noise. Keep the area brightly lit, but quiet and avoid renovations and loud noises and you’ll do just fine.
© Copyright 2025 Fengshui with Christine
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