Flying Stars November 2022

Dangerous Dominance of Earth Stars in Center

  • Illness Star joins Five Yellow in the Center
  • Risk of accidents, illness, violence increases
  • Essential to carry protective amulets
  • Lucky sectors are SE, SOUTH, SW and WEST.

November does not bring much respite from a difficult October. The previous month was characterised by conflict. The coming one sees the #2 join the Five Yellow for yet more challenges, in the form of illness, violence, accidents. This is a warning for everyone to remain careful. We suggest always wearing or carrying protective amulets through November, and to place appropriate remedies in the afflicted areas in our homes, particularly in the central sector where the malevolent Earth energies are so strong.

The centre sector needs the Wu Lou. If you live in a large house, place an appropriate number of Wu Lous, or get one in an appropriate size, the Mega Wu Lou. Make sure you also have your Five Element Pagoda there to keep the annual wu wang well under control. We suggest not to use the centre part of the home for too many activities this month, and avoid the other afflicted sectors if you can –East, NE, North and NW. Keep all afflicted sectors quiet, and not too brightly lit.

The auspicious sectors this month are the SE, SOUTH, SW and WEST sectors. Plan your activities around these parts of the home.

The chart indicates that the luck of the Matriarch is stronger than the luck of the Patriarch in November, with the mother of the family bringing everyone together and restoring balance and harmony in the home. Fathers need to keep their cool and their tempers in check, as the NW, the sector that represents the father, is afflicted with the Quarrelsome Star #3. The effects of this star number often cause as many problems as the Five Yellow or Illness Star 2, and with its arrival in the NW, which represents the leader, it is a good idea to ensure its bad effects are properly subdued. All homes should have the Magical Cosmic Apple in the NW this month.

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