As we move into October, the #3 Conflict Star flies into the center sector, exacerbating the ill effects of the annual Five Yellow. This colours the whole month with quarrels and conflict energy, both on a micro and macro level. Strong remedies are needed in the center of the home. Place peace apples in the center part of the home this month and try not to make too much noise here. Move your socialising to the NE, North or NW sectors if you can.
The lucky sectors are highlighted in yellow, and the afflicted sectors in red. Superimpose the above monthly flying star chart over your floorplan and move your daily activities to the “lucky” sectors if you can – this month, these are East, NE, North and NW.
The SE and SW bring illness; family members who are elderly should avoid sleeping or spending too much time in these sectors. The SW also afflicts the Matriarch of the home, who should be more careful with health concerns. Don’t treat symptoms too lightly; best to get checked out if you feel that something is not right.
The SE gets afflicted by the monthly illness star #2. If your main door is located here, you could
suffer from illnesses that affect the liver region.
The violent star is strong this month as it joins the annual enhancing star in this South. An unlucky time for those with South-facing houses, with risk of burglary and loss.
The Enhancing Star strengthens the annual illness star here, making this sector dangerous for those already experiencing health difficulties. When the energy is afflicted in this sector, it affects the stomach and mouth. The star combination here also impacts marriages negatively.
The Victory Star here brings auspicious indications for those pursuing academic endeavours and those in high-profile careers.
A noisy month with the Argument Star adding fuel to the annual 5 Yellow. There are money troubles and disputes indicated, that can be bad for business and ruinous for relationships.
The West area gets seriously afflicted as the monthly 5 Yellow moves into this sector, joining the already dangerous #7. It brings health problems, money loss and obstacles to the occupants of this sector
The NE is blessed by the Heavenly Star 6. Combining with the annual Prosperity Star, this sector becomes very lucky indeed this month! Occupants of the NE may enjoy unexpected financial windfalls. Obstacles that seems insurmountable before can simply evaporate.
Great prosperity and money luck materializes for occupants of the North, and those living in North facing houses. The stars here enhance business and growth luck and bring good prospects for career advancement.
Fortunes change for the better in the NW with the #4 bringing scholastic, creative and relationships luck. When the #4 pairs up with the heaven star, it brings unexpected windfalls, particularly for men. It also brings powerful completion luck.
© Copyright 2025 Fengshui with Christine
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