Archive for August 2022

17 Aug

Feng Shui and the advantage of clutter

What brings you to a clean, organised home? It gives you a sense of calm! Imagine walking into a room with the ceilings cleared and no papers and clutter strewn about. What feeling does that evoke in you? That’s the AHAAAAA feeling you get when you walk into a hotel room…it’s neat and you can […]

17 Aug

The clutter effects and Feng Shui

How clutter affects you and what to do about it We may earn money or products from the companies or products mentioned in this post. Creating a healthy, energetic home or office depends on care. Keeping your home or office clutter-free and clutter-free is a lot easier than keeping track of papers, throwing out old […]

11 Aug

Feng Shui and the crystals

Feng Shui and the most popular Crystals Crystals have long been said to have mystical properties. Certain crystals and stones have long been associated with healing abilities, the ability to focus thought or intent, or even transmutation. And this is no longer a question of faith. We know scientifically that crystals, especially silicon crystals, are […]

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