As most of us may know, Feng Shui is used in various different environments such as homes, offices and even in intangible environments such as business websites. What helps people implement Feng Shui into their lives is with compasses and compass direction.
One such compass is known as the Luo Pan. The Luo Pan is a geomantic Chinese compass. This means that it is relating to placement and arrangement of objects and structures on earth. Individuals who are using the Luo Pan compass direction, they can determine the direction for particular objects and structures in the stages of planning and designing their home or office environment.
The Luo Pan follows the basic fundamentals of a conventional compass, like the fact that it is used to find directions, but there are several differences between this compass and a conventional one. One of the most massive differences include the fact that a Luo Pan has twenty-four different directional markings whereas a conventional one would have either four or eight.
For the purpose of Feng Shui, with help of this magnetic and geographic compass, you can obtain two different readings. The first reading is your ‘front door’ reading, which is the one you would need. The front door reading is where the chi enters your home or any other environment. It is where nourishment of energy takes place and enters. Whether you use a backyard door, a side door, a garage door, etc. the most to move in and out of your house, the front door has to be used when measuring compass direction regardless of frequency of use.
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